Frescon, founded in 2004, is a company focused on the manufacture of health and well-being products, whose roots and experience in the manufacture of health care products, i.e. medical devices, go back decades. Our production facilities are located in Pirkanmaa, Lempäälä.
We offer you expert advice and high-quality wellness products. Our activities are guided by nurturing health and well-being.
Our product groups are:
- Medical devices: cold/heat therapy and wound care
- Natural cosmetics
- Cosmetics utilizing the folk healing tradition
- Products that maintain the well-being of animals
Our value
Safety: The safety of our products is of the utmost importance. Our production methods guarantee safe and skin-friendly products
High quality: The quality of our products is guaranteed by a quality system, which each of our employees is committed to complying with.
Domesticity: The majority of our products have been granted a key ticket number.
Environment: We value pure nature. We use renewable energy with our own solar collectors. We pay attention to the environmental impact in our processes. Frescon does not use animal tests in its product development
Quality system
The quality of our operations is guaranteed by the certified quality system EN ISO 13485:2016 . It certifies that our processes meet the set requirements and that we systematically develop and improve our operations. Our quality system and medical devices are inspected by Eurofins Expert Services Oy (IAF). The standard EN ISO 13485 guides the design, development, production and post-delivery service of medical devices.
Our company and the natural cosmetics we manufacture have been awarded the COSMOS certificate . The certificate verifies that our natural cosmetics meet the requirements of the COSMOS standard in terms of raw material quality, production and ethics. The COSMOS-accredited company Cosmecèrt (IOAS) is responsible for inspections of natural cosmetics.
Environmental management system
Frescon's environmental management system is part of the company's operating strategy. It ensures that environmental impacts are taken into account both in the company's daily operations and in the development of operations.
Sustainable development: The management of the organization identifies the environmental effects caused by the business, evaluates and develops the company's operations in order to achieve sustainable development. Energy for own production is produced with our own solar collectors.
Reliability and responsibility: The development of legislation and regulations is monitored regularly to ensure compliance with requirements. The entire company's personnel understands the importance of their work in achieving environmental goals. As far as possible, the company takes into account the expectations of customers and partners.
Commitment: The company's entire personnel is committed to complying with the environmental management system and to the continuous development of the level of environmental protection.
Environmental goals: The goal is to save natural resources and energy in order to protect the environment in both product solutions and production. Environmental goals are set annually and their implementation is monitored.
We are a producer-responsible operator and we cooperate Finnish Packaging Recycling with RINKI Oy.